Cancellation policy & trip insurance
Our rental rates are based on all reservations being non-cancelable and non-refundable.
Due to the unknowns surrounding future COVID-19 developments and its potential impact to travel, we urge all travelers to consider purchasing Trip Insurance to protect their investment. In the event a guest chooses not to purchase trip insurance and is unable to make use of their reservation, we will do all that is possible to secure a replacement tenant. If successful, a refund will be provided to the original tenant based on the new lease rental amount such that there will be no loss of rental income to the owner.
We are pleased to share information of all types to help our guests get the most from their Cooperstown vacation experience.
You can buy Trip Insurance directly through an insurance company or from a third-party website which allows you to compare various policies, and then buy.
There are benefits to this latter choice:
- You can compare multiple policies across several companies, finding the coverage that you need.
- You can find the best price and value since the sites offer policies from several insurance companies.
- If something goes wrong, you have an advocate — that third party — to help you with a claim or an appeal.
For your convenience, here are 4 websites, which you may visit to get comparisons and price quotes and then purchase, if you choose.
Please note: we are not compensated from any of the companies/referrals we make to our guests. This is information we freely share to be helpful.